Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Change password without root on a list of servers

Some companies are strict on passwords and force you to to change your password every 30 days, no repeating passwords, the passwords have to be long, contain special characters, etc.  Here is a script that you can add as a cronjob assuming you have your ssh keys setup.

You'd need a file "list.txt" with the list of IPs and "oldpass.txt" file with the current password.  You can just set a cronjob to do reset password on a regular basis (every 25 days for example).

# Generate random new password 24 characters long
newpass=`mkpasswd -l 30 -d 3 -C 5 -s 3`
# Get old password from oldpass file
oldpass=`cat oldpass.txt`
echo Old: $oldpass
echo New: $newpass

# ssh to server and reset password
for server in `cat list.txt`
    echo "Changing $server"
    ssh -t $server 'passwd <<EOF

Sort IP addresses

cat list.txt |sort -t . -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n